All Desire For Cigarettes Vanished

This a simple story, but one that may encourage someone who smokes.

Almost 17 years ago I wanted to quit smoking. I was trying things like "CigArrest." I did quit once for a month. But I was again having the hardest time to quit.

I started to give it to the Lord. I would give it to Him, then take it back, until one evening at a Bible study when the Pastor called for prayer, I felt the Lord nudge me in my heart and say "ask for peace." I was confused about it. But I decided to obey even though it didn't make sense to me. I went up for prayer and asked for peace in my situation.

Well that night the Lord delivered me from cigarettes. Suddenly, I didn't have cravings or strong desire to smoke. I even smelled my hands and they didn't smell like nicotine.

It's hard to explain. I suddenly had the ability to overcome the desire to smoke. I was never able to do this on my own before this. In November it will be 17 years. He's a good provider.

Donna P

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